Amaudo okopedi
Amaudo Okopedi can accommodate 60 mentally ill residents with a team of 25 health care practitioners and support staff. Rehabilitation takes place whilst residents and staff live, work, eat and socialise together. Rehabilitation can involve counselling, medication, training and family tracing. Ultimately we aim to reunite residents with their families and resettle in communities.
Amaudo ntalakwu
Amaudo Ntalakwu was established in 1993 for residents who are unable to be resettled because of learning disabilities, complex care requirements, or problems in tracing families. It is a place where individuals' needs can be supported and life skills, training and education are continuously available.
Project comfort
Project Comfort is a community-based service for disabled children, providing specialist care and teaching relatives how to provide support. Fieldworkers run awareness training in villages, support groups for parents and advise teachers so that children can attend mainstream school with peers.
Community Mental Health Programme (CMHP)
Our CMHP is now a network of 70+ clinics in 4 states in southeast Nigeria in a pioneering collaboration with State Governments and other local stakeholders. Nurse-led clinics provide accessible and affordable care to people in their own communities. Amaudo now provides hundreds of placements each year to student nurses from across the region. We also raise awareness, promote good mental health and support a growing network of Self Help Groups.