Amaudo UK (Charity Number 1084963)

Trustee eligibility and responsibility

By completing and signing this form, you declare that you:

• are willing to act as a trustee of the organisation named above

• understand your organisation’s purposes (objects) and rules set out in its governing document

• are not prevented from acting as a trustee because you:

  • have an unspent conviction for one or more of the offences listed here*

  • have an IVA, debt relief order and/or a bankruptcy order

  • have been removed as a trustee in England, Scotland or Wales (by the Charity Commission or Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator)

  • have been removed from being in the management or control of any body in Scotland (under relevant legislation)

  • have been disqualified by the Charity Commission

  • are a disqualified company director

  • are a designated person for the purposes of antiterrorism legislation

  • are on the sex offenders register

  • have been found in contempt of court for making (or causing to be made) a false statement

  • have been found guilty of disobedience to an order or direction of the Charity Commission

Personal benefit

If your organisation pays (or will pay) any trustee for being a trustee OR any trustee or person connected to them for providing goods and services, you declare that this will:

  • be in the organisation’s best interests

  • be lawful and authorised

  • help the organisation carry out its purposes (or be a necessary by-product of it carrying out its purposes)

You also declare that:

  • the information you provide to the Charity Commission is true, complete and correct

  • you understand that it’s an offence under section 60(1)(b) of the Charities Act 2011 to knowingly or recklessly provide false or misleading information

  • your organisation’s funds are held (or will be held) in its name in a bank or building society account in England or Wales

  • you will comply with your responsibilities as trustees - these are set out in the Charity Commission guidance ‘The essential trustee (CC3)’

  • (if applicable) the primary address and residency details you provide in a charity registration application are correct and you will notify the Charity Commission if they change * uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/820804/ Disqualification_Reasons_Table_v2.odt

If you would prefer to print and sign a paper copy of this form it can be found here.